Kneejerk Design

Designers love to change things. And that’s not always a good thing. The latest trend in website and app typography is Arial Light, all mashed together. (See left, below.) Many websites have adopted the mashed-together type. Google (right) has not. The very simple moral of the story is that if something works well, don’t change […]

A Nice Move

Walgreen’s made some awesome changes to their snack packages. They went for a basic simple look, and added a bit of humor. 1. The actual product is visible through a window. 2. The window relates to the slogan – like for the gum drops, it’s: “A downpour of sweetness,” and the window is an umbrella. […]

Design Study

Spotify changed their icons recently (a). Immediately, I thought of Adobe’s CS Suite (b and c). Adobe for many years has used icons similar to Spotify’s. And Adobe probably got their inspiration from Pantone (d). Spotify didn’t go far enough. I would propose version (e). Notice how the category name stands out more. Notice how […]